About Me

Foto saya
They call me Feby. The only think i wanna do is make my parent happy and haven’t work as hard as now. this big dream, i will keep and try as hard as i can to make it come true. No friendship , no relative , no relationship could break my dream.I will do everything to fulfill my dream. i will let go everything that bother my dream, whatever it is !:) follow my twitter ---> @febytwins


Hallo sobat sobat blogger yang tetap setia pada lalala~mpeb's blog :))
maaf nih gan,ane vakumnye lama :( sampai sampai alexa rank ane dari 500rb turun banget jadi 700rb ah nyesel :'( tapi kan gmn lagi yah , ane kan bentar lagi mu ujian so ane gbisa trs2an standby diblogspot ini (tapi ko kalo facebook ama twitter jalan terus yah ? :o ah gatau deh :p )
Alhamdulillahirrabil'aalamiin :) <<<<<<< abis baca posting ini draft. jd nyesek. jadi ranking ke 500rb jadi 700rb jadi 7juta!!! dan terulang kembali. sekarang juga lagi persiapan Ujian. tp SMA. jd post ini kira2 kurang lebih 2tahun yang lalu...... :) when i was on junior high school :)
hello, guess who is baaaaack ? :) I'm so busy this day. Sorry if u were waiting me all the time :p hoho. Let's continue! This time, I'll use english on myblog! hv fun ;)



link sobat sobat

Agung X-Zeg Indraguna's World Photobucket